Thursday, September 8, 2011


MEN!!!!!!! Quilts weight heavy...... NEVER take a man's word for it. Oh dear total weight 2.7 kilogram...Yeh right! Total weight of ONE box 6 kilograms How redfaced was I at the post office with 5 boxes all weigh around 6 kilograms and expecting to send them airmail to Zimbabwe for $150 .....Well I sent two boxes and I have three left so back to begging for donatons again. Cost $75 per box, HUH !!! lot different to $25 per box.

All Packed Up and Ready To Go

At last I have the last lot of quilts packed an ready to go... Off to the post office soon....

Thanks to the generous donations I have $150 to pay for postage and the total weight is 2.7 kilos so maybe I will be able to send them air mail.

The final count of quilts and other things was

42 Quilts

8 Blankets

Knitted Hats lost count at least 50

Hand made skirts sorry didn't count them came courtesy of Anita

I knitted jumper

All squeezed very tightly into the boxes.

I am so excited now will have to start on the next lot

Its off to the post office I go